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» Intermediate Swim Training
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Day 028 - Strength Training (optional)

Optional Day off or Dry Land exercises        Training via ActiveMail

Swimming-specific strength training

Start by doing some moderate stretching to get your blood moving.

* 3 sets of 15 regular crunches (rest 15 sec.)
* 60 alternate right and left side (elbow to knee)
* 15 leg raises (extend legs, raise to a 45 degree angle and lower)

* 3 sets of 15 back extensions: lay on your stomach, clasp your hands loosely behind your head, slowly raise your head, neck and shoulders, lower. Look down as you do these.

* Jump Rope:7 min.(over the course of this program increase the duration as you feel comfortable)
Note: If you do not have a jump rope, simulate jumping rope by jumping in place for the same duration.

Upper Body:
* Pushups: 3 sets of 8 pushups
Note: Increase the number of pushups as your strength increases.Don't be intimidated by pushups! Use your knees, it is the only way you will get stronger at this exercise and get to a fitness level where you can complete a full pushup.

* Pull-ups: 3 sets of 4 pull-ups
You can increase the amount of pull-ups as your strength allows. Don't get frustrated if you can't do a pull-up at the beginning. Start by hanging from a bar for 30 seconds, for three sets. Build up to three sets of 2 minutes over a few weeks. Then you can begin by doing one pull-up and two sets of hanging. Both will increase your strength.

To do a pull-up correctly find a bar that is about 6 or more feet off the ground. Your hands should grasp the bar, palm side on the bar with the back of your hand facing you. Don't let your feet touch the ground, you may need to bend you knees to do this. Pull yourself up slowly without jerking your legs to get momentum. Once your chin is above the bar, slowly come back down until you arms are full extended. Pause at the bottom, before beginning the second pull-up.