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» Training Program » General Fitness » Sexercise Training for Men
 Sexercise Training for Men

Day 001 - Transform yourself from Wallflower to Smooth Operator in five weeks or less
Warm-up (WU) 5 min. 2 sets x 12 reps each exercise: SERIES 1: Push-ups, seated rows, reclining abs; Stretch 5 min.

Day 002 - Shake that booty
WU 5 min. Treadmill: 10 min Gauntlet: 10 min. Rower: 10 min. Cool-down (CD) 5 min. & stretch.

Day 003 - Tip #1: Never Need Viagra
A regular exercise program can dramatically reduce the risk of impotence.

Day 004 - Hard as steel
Warm-up (WU) 5 min. 2 sets x 12 reps each exercise: SERIES 1: Straight bar preacher curls (3 count raise/lower,) one-arm dumbbell triceps extensions, ab crunches on Swiss ball; reclining cable biceps curls (stop at halfway point,) reclining abs, triceps cable pressdowns (3 count hold). Stretch

Day 005 - Get Hot & Sweaty
WU 5 min. Jumprope: 10 min. Ellip. Trainer: 10 min. Treadmill:10 min. CD 5 min. & stretch.

Day 006 - Tip #2: Forget living longer: this is the REAL reason you need to work out.
Regular exercise produces heightened levels of testosterone and other endorphins, which increase your sex drive.

Day 007 - Position # 562
Flexibility never hurts in the bedroom. Take a Yoga class or stretch for at least a half-hour.

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